Indian Hills Elementary School Library Media Center
Check-Out Policy:
- Kindergarten through First Grade are allowed to check out 1 book each week. The book is due the next time the child comes to library. They will keep their book in their homeroom class.
- Second Grade through Fifth Grade are allowed to check out 2 books each week. The books are due the next time the child comes to library. Students are allowed to renew their book(s) for one extra week.
Lost or Damaged Books:
Reading is fun and so is checking out books and taking them home to read, but it is also a privilege and with privilege comes responsibility.
If books are lost or damaged, it is the responsibility of the child's guardian to reimburse the school for the cost of replacing the book. We purchase library-bound books to withstand extra wear and tear of the book; therefore, the cost of such books are usually more than what you would purchase from a store or online vendor.
We greatly appreciate your support of our school library. Once payment is received, your child will be able to check-out library books again. Thank you.
“If you have any questions or concerns about content on this page, please call the school for more information.”
Jessica Turner
Phone: 270-887-7230 ext. 74990
Library Links

Educational Programs
HMH Login
Reading Counts
System 44
Read 180
Study Island
Great for K-2 to practice reading and math skills. No account needed.
Learning games for kids.
TumbleBookLibrary is a curated database of children’s
e-books, available by subscription to Elementary Schools and Public
Libraries around the world.
Kids can explore fun science experiments, cool facts, online games, free activities, ideas, photos, quizzes, videos & science fair projects.
Library Resources
The Kentucky Virtual Library (KYVL) provides high-quality library and information resources to all Kentuckians to support information literacy, college and career readiness, academic research and lifelong learning.
Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library
Use this site to search our library's collection. You can search by title, author, or subject.
Homework help, dictionary, encyclopedia, and online almanac
Online Elementary Encyclopedia from KYVL
Stream videos featuring celebrated actors reading children’s books.
Kids can explore the world through magazines, books, apps, games, toys, and videos.
NoveList is database from KYVL that has recommended book lists by age and then by genre and topic. This is an EXCELLENT tool to use when searching for age appropriate books and interests. Happy Searching!