Indian Hills Elementary School Principal's Corner
Welcome to Indian Hills, home of the Chiefs. My name is Sara Sweeney Johnson and it is a privilege to serve as your principal.
I was born and raised here in Christian County. I graduated from Murray State University with my Bachelor’s in Elementary Education. I went on to receive my Masters in Teacher Leadership at Western Kentucky University and my Rank I in administration from Murray State University. I started my teaching career at Sinking Fork Elementary where I taught 4th and 5th grade Social Studies and ELA. I became Sinking Fork’s Curriculum Specialist for three years. Then I had the privilege of working at the Central Office overseeing the Department of Defense Grants and Interventions for the district. I previously served as Assistant Principal at Millbrooke Elementary School before joining Indian Hills.
Indian Hills is known for its positive learning environment and high student achievement, and I want to continue this tradition. We are working each day to help our students learn our guidelines for success: Cooperative, Honest, Involved, Enthusiastic, Fair, and Safe. It is our belief that if students exhibit these qualities, then they will be successful academically, socially, and emotionally.
We hope that everyone who walks into our building will feel loved, welcomed, and valued. We look forward to having you at our school.
Please know my door is always open and feel free to contact me by phone (270-887-7230) or email at
Sara Sweeney Johnson